Commit a0860616 authored by Allan Juma's avatar Allan Juma


parent ab6298e5
const { contextBridge, ipcRenderer, app, BrowserWindow, ipcMain, dialog, Menu } = require('electron');
const { contextBridge, ipcRenderer, app, BrowserWindow, ipcMain, dialog, Menu, session } = require('electron');
const { autoUpdater } = require('electron-updater');
const os = require('os');
const path = require('path');
......@@ -136,6 +136,21 @@ console.log(path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js'));
win = null;
//set permissions
session.fromPartition("default").setPermissionRequestHandler((webContents, permission, callback) => {
let allowedPermissions = ["audioCapture","geolocation"]; // Full list here:
if (allowedPermissions.includes(permission)) {
callback(true); // Approve permission request
} else {
`The application tried to request permission for '${permission}'. This permission was not whitelisted and has been blocked.`
callback(false); // Deny
import React from 'react';
import Svg, { Path } from '../../component/svg';
const Algorand = props => (
<Svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="1em" height="1em" {...props}>
d="M267.3 16.7c8.7.2 22.7.2 31 0 8.4-.1 1.3-.3-15.8-.3-17 0-23.9.2-15.2.3z"
d="M206.5 94.7c-24.7 42.8-71.5 123.9-104 180.3-32.5 56.4-65 112.7-72.3 125.2L17.1 423h70.4l8.4-14.8c4.7-8.1 32.2-55.6 61.1-105.7 29-50.1 63.4-109.7 76.5-132.5 31.1-54.3 38.6-67 39.3-67 .4 0 5.6 18.4 11.5 40.9 9.5 35.7 10.7 41.2 9.6 43.2-.6 1.3-17.5 30.5-37.4 64.9-19.9 34.4-49.4 85.4-65.5 113.5-16.1 28-30.1 52.5-31.2 54.2l-2 3.3h35.4l35.3-.1 44.4-77c24.4-42.3 44.5-76.9 44.6- 13.5 48.9 29 106.8 6.4 23.9 11.8 44.3 12.1 45.2.5 1.7 2.9 1.8 32 1.8 17.3 0 31.4-.2 31.4-.4 0-.4-34.2-128-50.6-189.1-5.8-21.4-10.3-39.6-10.1-40.5.2-.8 9.9-17.9 21.5-38l21.1-36.5-31.8-.3-31.8-.2-13.4-50.3-13.4-50.2-31-.3-31.1-.2-44.9 77.7z"
d="M356.8 117.7c9 .2 23.4.2 32 0 8.6-.1 1.3-.3-16.3-.3s-24.7.2-15.7.3z"
export default Algorand;
<svg version="1.0" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 438 444"><path d="M267.3 16.7c8.7.2 22.7.2 31 0 8.4-.1 1.3-.3-15.8-.3-17 0-23.9.2-15.2.3z" fill="#FFF" fill-opacity=".5"/><path d="M206.5 94.7c-24.7 42.8-71.5 123.9-104 180.3-32.5 56.4-65 112.7-72.3 125.2L17.1 423h70.4l8.4-14.8c4.7-8.1 32.2-55.6 61.1-105.7 29-50.1 63.4-109.7 76.5-132.5 31.1-54.3 38.6-67 39.3-67 .4 0 5.6 18.4 11.5 40.9 9.5 35.7 10.7 41.2 9.6 43.2-.6 1.3-17.5 30.5-37.4 64.9-19.9 34.4-49.4 85.4-65.5 113.5-16.1 28-30.1 52.5-31.2 54.2l-2 3.3h35.4l35.3-.1 44.4-77c24.4-42.3 44.5-76.9 44.6- 13.5 48.9 29 106.8 6.4 23.9 11.8 44.3 12.1 45.2.5 1.7 2.9 1.8 32 1.8 17.3 0 31.4-.2 31.4-.4 0-.4-34.2-128-50.6-189.1-5.8-21.4-10.3-39.6-10.1-40.5.2-.8 9.9-17.9 21.5-38l21.1-36.5-31.8-.3-31.8-.2-13.4-50.3-13.4-50.2-31-.3-31.1-.2-44.9 77.7z" fill="#FFF"/><path d="M356.8 117.7c9 .2 23.4.2 32 0 8.6-.1 1.3-.3-16.3-.3s-24.7.2-15.7.3z" fill="#FFF" fill-opacity=".05"/></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
import React from 'react';
import Svg, { Path, G } from '../../component/svg';
const Bits = props => (
<Svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" {...props}>
d="M9.1 9.4C4 14.6-.1 19.3.1 19.9c.2.6 5.1-3.6 10.9-9.4C16.7 4.7 20.8 0 20 0c-.9 0-5.7 4.2-10.9 9.4zm10 10C8.5 30-.1 39.3.1 39.9c.2.6 9.6-8.1 20.9-19.4C32.3 9.2 40.8 0 40 0c-.8 0-10.2 8.7-20.9 19.4zm10 10C13 45.5-.1 59.3.1 59.9c.2.6 14.1-12.6 30.9-29.4C47.8 13.7 60.8 0 60 0c-.8 0-14.7 13.2-30.9 29.4zm10 10C17.5 61-.1 79.3.1 79.9c.2.6 18.6-17.1 40.9-39.4C63.3 18.2 80.8 0 80 0c-.8 0-19.2 17.7-40.9 39.4zm10 10C22 76.5-.1 99.3.1 99.9c.2.6 23.1-21.6 50.9-49.4C78.8 22.7 100.8 0 100 0c-.8 0-23.7 22.2-50.9 49.4zm10 10C26.5 92-.1 119.3.1 119.9c.2.6 27.6-26.1 60.9-59.4S120.8 0 120 0c-.8 0-28.2 26.7-60.9 59.4zm10 10C31 107.5-.1 139.3.1 139.9c.2.6 32.1-30.6 70.9-69.4C109.8 31.7 140.8 0 140 0c-.8 0-32.7 31.2-70.9 69.4zm10 10C35.5 123-.1 159.3.1 159.9c.2.6 36.6-35.1 80.9-79.4C125.3 36.2 160.8 0 160 0c-.8 0-37.2 35.7-80.9 79.4zm10 10C40 138.5-.1 179.3.1 179.9c.2.6 41.1-39.6 90.9-89.4C140.8 40.7 180.8 0 180 0c-.8 0-41.7 40.2-90.9 89.4zm10 10C44.5 154-.1 199.3.1 199.9c.2.6 45.6-44.1 100.9-99.4C156.3 45.2 200.8 0 200 0c-.8 0-46.2 44.7-100.9 99.4zm76.5-56.5c-23.5 23.5-42.4 43.1-41.9 20.5-19 44.4-42.9C201.9 19.5 220.8 0 220 0c-.8 0-20.8 19.3-44.4 42.9zM226 12.6c-7.5 7.6-11.3 12-9.5 11.1C220.4 21.7 241.9 0 240 0c-.9 0-7.1 5.7-14 12.6zm63-3.1c-5.2 5.2-8.8 9.5-8 9.5.9 0 5.8-4.3 11-9.5s8.8-9.5 8-9.5c-.9 0-5.8 4.3-11 9.5zm17.5 2.5c-6.6 6.6-11.3 12-10.5 12 .9 0 6.9-5.4 13.5-12S320.8 0 320 0c-.9 0-6.9 5.4-13.5 12zm16.5 3.5C314.5 24 308.2 31 309 31c.8 0 8.5-7 17-15.5S340.8 0 340 0c-.8 0-8.5 7-17 15.5zm27.1-7.1c-4.6 4.6-7.9 8.6-7.4 5-3.4 9.9-8.4C357.4 4 360.8 0 360 0c-.9 0-5.3 3.8-9.9 8.4zm15 5c-7.3 7.3-12.9 13.6-12.4 7.2-5.7 14.9-13.4C375.2 6.3 380.8 0 380 0c-.9 0-7.5 6-14.9 13.4zm14.5 5.5c-10.3 10.4-18.4 19.1-17.9 9.7-8.2 20.4-18.9C392.7 8.8 400.8 0 400 0c-.8 0-10 8.5-20.4 18.9zm14 6c-13.7 13.7-24.7 25.4-24.5 26 .2.6 12.1-10.6 26.4-24.9C409.8 11.7 420.8 0 420 0c-.8 0-12.7 11.2-26.4 24.9zm12.9 7.1c-17.5 17.5-31.6 32.3-31.2 15.5-14 33.5-32S440.8 0 440 0c-.8 0-15.9 14.4-33.5 32zm12.5 7.5c-21.7 21.7-39.1 39.8-38.7 18.9-17.4 41-39.5S460.8 0 460 0c-.8 0-19.3 17.8-41 39.5zm7.5 12.5c-28.5 28.5-51 51.7-49.9 51.4C379.3 102.7 482 0 480 0c-.8 0-24.9 23.4-53.5 52zm14.6 5.4c-31.5 31.5-57.2 57.9-57 26.7-25.2 58.9-57.4S500.8 0 500 0c-.8 0-27.3 25.8-58.9 57.4zm-53.5 73.5c-68.1 68.1-123.7 124.4-123.5 125 .2.6 56.1-54.6 124.3-122.8C456.5 65 512.1 8.7 511.9 8.1c-.2-.6-56.1 54.6-124.3 122.8zm33.4-13.4c-49.8 49.8-89.8 90.5-89 90.5 2 0 180.4-178.4 179.9-179.9-.2-.6-41.1 39.6-90.9 89.4zm9 11c-44.8 44.8-80.8 81.5-80 81.5 2 0 162.4-160.4 161.9-161.9-.2-.6-37.1 35.6-81.9 80.4zm7 13c-41 41-73.8 74.5-73 74.5 2 0 148.4-146.4 147.9-147.9-.2-.6-33.9 32.4-74.9 73.4zM157.1 81.4c-6.2 6.2-11.2 11.9-11 12.5.5 1.3 20.2-18 21.7-21.4.6-1.4 1-2.5.9-2.5-.1 0-5.3 5.1-11.6 11.4zM451 147.5c-33.3 33.3-59.8 60.5-59 60.5 2 0 120.4-118.4 119.9-119.9-.2-.6-27.6 26.1-60.9 59.4zm-90.4-49.6c-4.9 4.9-8.7 9.4-8.5 10 .2.6 4.9-3.4 10.4-8.9s9.3-10 8.5-10c-.9 0-5.5 4-10.4 8.9zM64.1 154.4C28.7 189.8-.1 219.3.1 219.9c.2.6 29.4-27.9 64.8-63.3s64.2-64.9 64-65.5c-.2-.6-29.4 27.9-64.8 63.3zm396.9 3.1c-27.8 27.8-49.8 50.5-49 50.5 2 0 100.4-98.4 99.9-99.9-.2-.6-23.1 21.6-50.9 49.4zM63.6 174.9C28.5 210-.1 239.3.1 239.9c.2.6 29.1-27.6 64.3-62.8 35.1-35.1 63.7-64.4 63.5-65-.2-.6-29.1 27.6-64.3 62.8zm295.8-35.7c-15 15.2-22.7 23.8-21.2 23.8.2 0 9.8-9.5 21.3-21 11.5-11.6 20.3-21 19.5-21-.8 0-9.7 8.2-19.6 18.2zm109.7 30.2c-23.3 23.3-41.9 42.6-41.4 42.9 1.2.8 84.7-82.7 84.2-84.2-.2-.6-19.5 18-42.8 41.3zm-405 25C28.7 229.8-.1 259.3.1 259.9c.2.6 29.4-27.9 64.8-63.3s64.2-64.9 64-65.5c-.2-.6-29.4 27.9-64.8 63.3zm1.5 18.5C29.4 249.1-.1 279.3.1 279.9c.2.6 30.3-28.8 66.8-65.3s65.9-66.6 65.4-66.9c-.5-.3-30.5 29-66.7 65.2zm409-29c-20.2 20.2-36.4 37.1-35.9 37.4 1.2.8 73.7-71.7 73.2-73.2-.2-.6-17 15.5-37.3 35.8zM112 186.6c-13.5 13.5-23.4 24.1-22 23.4 2.6-1.3 48-45.9 48-47.2 0-.5-.3-.8-.8-.8-.4 0-11.7 11.1-25.2 24.6zM478.5 200c-18.2 18.2-32.8 33.5-32.5 34 .7 1.2 66.4-64.4 65.9-65.9-.2-.6-15.3 13.8-33.4 31.9zm-351.6-8.4c-9 9-15.7 16.4-14.9 16.4 2 0 33.5-31.6 32.3-32.3-.5-.3-8.3 6.8-17.4 15.9zm35.6 4.4c-11 11-19.3 20-18.5 20 1.5 0 40-37.8 40-39.3 0-1.9-2.9.7-21.5 19.3zm19 1c-6 6-10.3 11-9.5 11 .9 0 6.5-5 12.5-11 6-6.1 10.3-11 9.5-11-.9 0-6.5 4.9-12.5 11zm-41.9 1.9c-6.5 6.5-11.7 12.4-11.5 13 .2.6 6-4.5 12.8-11.3 6.8-6.8 11.9-12.6 11.4-12.9-.5-.3-6.2 4.7-12.7 11.2zm340 20c-17.5 17.5-31.7 32.4-31.5 33 .2.6 14.7-13.2 32.3-30.8 17.5-17.5 31.7-32.4 31.5-33-.2-.6-14.7 13.2-32.3 30.8zM303 196.5c-5.1 3.4-39.3 38.1-38.9 10.1-8.6 21.9-20.4 11.8-11.8 21.3-21.5 21-21.4-.3 0-2.1 1.1-4 2.4zm-81.4 20.4c-5.9 6-10.4 11.1-9.9 6.1-4.6 12.4-10.9 6.2-6.2 10.7-11.4 9.9-11.4-.9 0-6.4 4.9-12.4 10.9zm258 22c-17.5 17.5-31.7 32.4-31.5 33 .2.6 14.7-13.2 32.3-30.8 17.5-17.5 31.7-32.4 31.5-33-.2-.6-14.7 13.2-32.3 30.8zm-248-12c-8.7 8.7-15.7 16.4-15.5 17 .2.6 7.5-6 16.3-14.8 8.7-8.7 15.7-16.4 15.5-17-.2-.6-7.5 6-16.3 14.8zM446.5 292c-35.7 35.7-64.6 65.3-64.2 65.7 1 .9 130.1-128.1 129.6-129.6-.2-.6-29.6 28.1-65.4 63.9zm-214.9-45.1c-8.7 8.7-15.7 16.4-15.5 17 .2.6 7.5-6 16.3-14.8 8.7-8.7 15.7-16.4 15.5-17-.2-.6-7.5 6-16.3 14.8zM32.7 265.8C14.7 283.8 0 299.2 0 300c0 1.5 63.3-61 65.1-64.3.6-1 .9-2 .7-2.2-.2-.3-15.1 14.3-33.1 32.3zm246.9-6.9c-8.7 8.7-15.7 16.4-15.5 17 .2.6 7.5-6 16.3-14.8 8.7-8.7 15.7-16.4 15.5-17-.2-.6-7.5 6-16.3 14.8zm167.8 52.3c-35.3 35.4-64.4 65.2-64.8 66.3-.4 1.1 28.6-27.3 64.5-63.1 35.8-35.8 65-65.7 64.8-66.3-.2-.6-29.3 27.8-64.5 63.1zm-215.8-44.3c-8.7 8.7-15.7 16.4-15.5 17 .2.6 7.5-6 16.3-14.8 8.7-8.7 15.7-16.4 15.5-17-.2-.6-7.5 6-16.3 14.8zm-200 20C14.1 304.4-.1 319.3.1 319.9c.2.6 14.7-13.2 32.3-30.8 17.5-17.5 31.7-32.4 31.5-33-.2-.6-14.7 13.2-32.3 30.8zm248-8c-8.7 8.7-15.7 16.4-15.5 17 .2.6 7.5-6 16.3-14.8 8.7-8.7 15.7-16.4 15.5-17-.2-.6-7.5 6-16.3 14.8zm157.5 62.5c-40.9 40.9-74.2 74.9-74 33.9-32.4 74.8-73.3s74.2-74.9 74-75.5c-.2-.6-33.9 32.4-74.8 73.3zM231.5 287c-8.7 8.7-15.6 16.3-15.2 16.7 1 .9 32.1-30.1 31.6-31.6-.2-.6-7.6 6.1-16.4 14.9zM31.6 306.9C14.1 324.4-.1 339.3.1 339.9c.2.6 14.7-13.2 32.3-30.8 17.5-17.5 31.7-32.4 31.5-33-.2-.6-14.7 13.2-32.3 30.8zm248-8c-8.7 8.7-15.7 16.4-15.5 17 .2.6 7.5-6 16.3-14.8 8.7-8.7 15.7-16.4 15.5-17-.2-.6-7.5 6-16.3 14.8zm155.5 64.5c-42 42-76.2 76.9-76 34.8-33.3 76.8-75.3s76.2-76.9 76-77.5c-.2-.6-34.8 33.3-76.8 75.3zm-400-40C15.7 342.8-.1 359.3.1 359.9c.2.6 16.8-15.3 36.9-35.4C57.1 304.4 72.8 288 72 288c-.8 0-17.4 15.9-36.9 35.4zm10 10C20.2 358.3-.1 379.3.1 379.9c.2.6 21.3-19.8 46.9-45.4C72.6 308.9 92.8 288 92 288c-.8 0-21.9 20.4-46.9 45.4zm374-34c-6.2 6.2-11.2 11.9-11 6-4.5 12.9-11.4s11.8-12.5 11-12.5c-.9 0-6.6 5.1-12.9 11.4zm-185.5 5.5c-7.6 7.6-13.7 14.4-13.5 15 .2.6 6.6-5.1 14.3-12.8 7.6-7.6 13.7-14.4 13.5-15-.2-.6-6.6 5.1-14.3 12.8zm-182 42C23.1 375.4-.1 399.3.1 399.9c.2.6 23.7-22.2 52.3-50.8 28.5-28.5 51.7-52.4 51.5-53-.2-.6-23.7 22.2-52.3 50.8zm228.1-28.1c-8.6 8.6-15.7 16.4-15.7 17.2 0 1.9 30.7-28.7 31.3-31.2.3-1 .4-1.8.3-1.8 0 0-7.2 7.1-15.9 15.8zm153.4 66.6c-43.1 43.1-78.2 78.9-78 35.7-34.2 78.8-77.3 43.1-43.1 78.2-78.9 78-79.5-.2-.6-35.7 34.2-78.8 77.3zM237.5 321c-5.4 5.4-9.6 10.3-9.2 10.7 1 .9 20.1-18.1 19.6-19.6-.2-.6-4.9 3.4-10.4 8.9zM51.7 366.8C23.3 395.2 0 419.2 0 420c0 .8 23.6-22.1 52.5-51s52.5-52.8 52.5-53.2c0-.5-.3-.8-.8-.8-.4 0-24 23.3-52.5 51.8zM419 419.5c-50.9 50.9-91.8 92.5-91 92.5 2 0 184.4-182.4 183.9-183.9-.2-.6-42 40.5-92.9 91.4zM54.2 384.3C24.4 414.1 0 439.2 0 440c0 .8 24.7-23.3 55-53.5s55-55.3 55-55.7c0-.5-.3-.8-.8-.8-.4 0-25.1 24.4-55 54.3zm4.4 15.6C26.2 432.3-.1 459.3.1 459.9c.2.6 26.9-25.4 59.3-57.8s58.7-59.4 58.5-60c-.2-.6-26.9 25.4-59.3 57.8zM429 429.5c-45.4 45.4-81.8 82.5-81 82.5 2 0 164.4-162.4 163.9-163.9-.2-.6-37.5 36-82.9 81.4zM63.7 414.8C28.7 449.8 0 479.2 0 480c0 .8 29-27.5 64.5-63s64.5-64.8 64.5-65.2c0-.5-.3-.8-.8-.8-.4 0-29.4 28.7-64.5 63.8zM439 439.5c-39.9 39.9-71.8 72.5-71 72.5 2 0 144.4-142.4 143.9-143.9-.2-.6-33 31.5-72.9 71.4zm-375.4-4.6C28.5 470-.1 499.3.1 499.9c.2.6 29.1-27.6 64.3-62.8 35.1-35.1 63.7-64.4 63.5-65-.2-.6-29.1 27.6-64.3 62.8zm6.4 13.6C35.1 483.4 7.2 512 8 512c1.5 0 127-124.8 127-126.3 0-.4-.3-.7-.8-.7-.4 0-29.3 28.6-64.2 63.5zm379 1c-34.4 34.4-61.8 62.5-61 62.5 2 0 124.4-122.4 123.9-123.9-.2-.6-28.5 27-62.9 61.4zM85.5 453c-32.4 32.4-58.3 59-57.5 59 2 0 117.4-115.4 116.9-116.9-.2-.6-26.9 25.4-59.4 57.9zm373.5 6.5c-28.9 28.9-51.8 52.5-51 52.5 2 0 104.4-102.4 103.9-103.9-.2-.6-24 22.5-52.9 51.4zm-362 2C69.2 489.3 47.2 512 48 512c2 0 100.4-98.4 99.9-99.9-.2-.6-23.1 21.6-50.9 49.4zm372 8c-23.4 23.4-41.8 42.5-41 42.5 2 0 84.4-82.4 83.9-83.9-.2-.6-19.5 18-42.9 41.4zm-360.5.5c-23.1 23.1-41.3 42-40.5 42 2 0 83.4-81.4 82.9-82.9-.2-.6-19.3 17.8-42.4 40.9zm11.5 8.5C101.6 496.9 87.2 512 88 512c2 0 66.4-64.4 65.9-65.9-.2-.6-15.5 14-33.9 32.4zm359 1c-17.9 17.9-31.8 32.5-31 32.5 2 0 64.4-62.4 63.9-63.9-.2-.6-15 13.5-32.9 31.4zm-348 8C117.5 501 107.2 512 108 512c1.5 0 49-46.8 49-48.3 0-.4-.3-.7-.8-.7-.4 0-11.7 11-25.2 24.5zm358 2c-12.4 12.4-21.8 22.5-21 22.5 2 0 44.4-42.4 43.9-43.9-.2-.6-10.5 9-22.9 21.4zm-346.6 6.6c-8.7 8.7-15.2 15.9-14.4 15.9 2 0 32.5-30.6 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89.2zm2 2-91 91.3 91.3-91C140.9 41.5 182 .4 182 .3c0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-41.2 41.1-91.2 91.2zm8 8-99 99.3 99.3-99C153.3 45.1 198 .4 198 .3c0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-44.8 44.7-99.2 99.2zm2 2L-.5 202.5l101.3-101C156.4 46 202 .4 202 .3c0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-45.7 45.6-101.2 101.2zm74-58-43 43.3 43.3-43C198.5 19.9 218 .4 218 .3c0-.7-3.5 2.8-43.5 42.9zm3.5.5-43.5 43.8L178.3 44c40.6-40.4 44.1-44 43.4-44-.1 0-19.8 19.7-43.7 43.7zm217.5-17.5-26 26.3 26.3-26C420.1 2.4 422.5 0 421.7 0c-.1 0-11.9 11.8-26.2 26.2zm10.5 5.5-31.5 31.8L406.3 32c29.5-29.3 32.2-32 31.4-32-.1 0-14.4 14.3-31.7 31.7zm2.5 1.5-33 33.3 33.3-33C427 15.4 442 .4 442 .3c0-.7-2.8 2-33.5 32.9zm10 5.8c-21.4 21.4-38.8 39-38.5 39 .3 0 18.1-17.6 39.5-39C440.9 17.5 458.3 0 458 0c-.3 0-18.1 17.5-39.5 39zm2.5 1.5C398.7 62.8 380.7 81 381 81c.3 0 18.7-18.2 41-40.5S462.3 0 462 0c-.3 0-18.7 18.2-41 40.5zm4.5 11.7-52 52.3 52.3-52C474.3 4.2 478.4 0 477.7 0c-.1 0-23.6 23.5-52.2 52.2zm4.5-.5-51.5 51.8L430.3 52c48.1-47.9 52.1-52 51.4-52-.1 0-23.4 23.3-51.7 51.7zm10.5 5.5-57 57.3 57.3-57C472.2 26.2 498 .4 498 .3c0-.7-4.5 3.7-57.5 56.9zm2 2-59 59.3 59.3-59C475.3 27.1 502 .4 502 .3c0-.7-4.7 3.9-59.5 58.9zm-55 71-124 124.3 124.3-124C456.1 62.3 512 6.4 512 6.3c0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-56 55.9-124.2 124.2zm0 4-124 124.3 124.3-124C456.1 66.3 512 10.4 512 10.3c0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-56 55.9-124.2 124.2zm33-17-91 91.3 91.3-91c50.1-50 91.2-91.1 91.2-91.2 0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-41.2 41.1-91.2 91.2zm2 2-89 89.3 89.3-89c49-48.9 89.2-89.1 89.2-89.2 0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-40.3 40.2-89.2 89.2zm7.5 8.5-81.5 81.8 81.8-81.5C475.2 83.2 512 46.4 512 46.3c0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-36.9 36.8-81.7 81.7zm1.5 2.5-80 80.3 80.3-80c44.1-44 80.2-80.1 80.2-80.2 0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-36.2 36.1-80.2 80.2zm5 11-75 75.3 75.3-75c41.3-41.2 75.2-75.1 75.2-75.2 0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-34 33.9-75.2 75.2zm2 2-73 73.3 73.3-73C479 103.4 512 70.4 512 70.3c0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-33.1 33-73.2 73.2zm12 4-61 61.3 61.3-61C507.7 90.8 512.4 86 511.7 86c-.1 0-27.7 27.6-61.2 61.2zm-386 6-65 65.3 65.3-65c35.8-35.7 65.2-65.1 65.2-65.2 0-.7-5.1 4.3-65.5 64.9zm388-4-59 59.3 59.3-59c32.5-32.4 59.2-59.1 59.2-59.2 0-.7-4.7 3.9-59.5 58.9zM64 157.7-.5 222.5 64.3 158C99.9 122.5 129 93.4 129 93.3c0-.7-5 4.3-65 64.4zm396.5-.5-51 51.3 51.3-51c28.1-28 51.2-51.1 51.2-51.2 0-.7-4.1 3.3-51.5 50.9zm-397 17-64 64.3 64.3-64c59.7-59.5 64.6-64.5 63.9-64.5-.1 0-29 28.9-64.2 64.2zm399-15-49 49.3 49.3-49c45.7-45.5 49.6-49.5 48.9-49.5-.1 0-22.3 22.2-49.2 49.2zm-399 19-64 64.3 64.3-64c59.7-59.5 64.6-64.5 63.9-64.5-.1 0-29 28.9-64.2 64.2zm405-9-43 43.3 43.3-43c40.1-40 43.6-43.5 42.9-43.5-.1 0-19.6 19.5-43.2 43.2zM64 193.7-.5 258.5 64.3 194c35.6-35.5 64.7-64.6 64.7-64.7 0-.7-5 4.3-65 64.4zm406-22-41.5 41.8 41.8-41.5c22.9-22.8 41.7-41.6 41.7-41.7 0-.7-3.4 2.6-42 41.4zm-406 26L-.5 262.5 64.3 198c35.6-35.5 64.7-64.6 64.7-64.7 0-.7-5 4.3-65 64.4zm1.5 14.5-66 66.3 66.3-66c36.4-36.3 66.2-66.1 66.2-66.2 0-.7-5.2 4.4-66.5 65.9zm409-29-37 37.3 37.3-37c20.4-20.3 37.2-37.1 37.2-37.2 0-.7-3.1 2.3-37.5 36.9zM66 215.7-.5 282.5 66.3 216c62-61.8 67.1-67 66.4-67-.1 0-30.1 30-66.7 66.7zm409.5-29.5-36 36.3 36.3-36c33.6-33.4 36.6-36.5 35.9-36.5-.1 0-16.4 16.3-36.2 36.2zm3 13-33 33.3 33.3-33c30.9-30.7 33.6-33.5 32.9-33.5-.1 0-15.1 15-33.2 33.2zm.5 3.5-32.5 32.8 32.8-32.5c18-17.9 32.7-32.6 32.7-32.7 0-.7-2.8 2-33 32.4zm.5 15.5-32 32.3 32.3-32c29.9-29.7 32.7-32.5 31.9-32.5-.1 0-14.6 14.5-32.2 32.2zm0 4-32 32.3 32.3-32c29.9-29.7 32.7-32.5 31.9-32.5-.1 0-14.6 14.5-32.2 32.2zm0 16-32 32.3 32.3-32c29.9-29.7 32.7-32.5 31.9-32.5-.1 0-14.6 14.5-32.2 32.2zm0 4-32 32.3 32.3-32c29.9-29.7 32.7-32.5 31.9-32.5-.1 0-14.6 14.5-32.2 32.2zm-33 49-65 65.3 65.3-65c35.8-35.7 65.2-65.1 65.2-65.2 0-.7-5.1 4.3-65.5 64.9zm.5 3.5-64.5 64.8 64.8-64.5c35.6-35.5 64.7-64.6 64.7-64.7 0-.7-5 4.3-65 64.4zm-414-30L-.5 298.5 33.3 265c31.3-31.1 34.1-34 33.4-34-.1 0-15.3 15.2-33.7 33.7zm-1 5L-.5 302.5 32.3 270c18-17.9 32.7-32.6 32.7-32.7 0-.7-2.8 2-33 32.4zm415.5 40.5-64 64.3 64.3-64c59.7-59.5 64.6-64.5 63.9-64.5-.1 0-29 28.9-64.2 64.2zm-2 6-66 66.3 66.3-66c36.4-36.3 66.2-66.1 66.2-66.2 0-.7-5.2 4.4-66.5 65.9zm-414-30-32 32.3 32.3-32C61.7 256.8 64.5 254 63.7 254c-.1 0-14.6 14.5-32.2 32.2zm0 4-32 32.3 32.3-32C61.7 260.8 64.5 258 63.7 258c-.1 0-14.6 14.5-32.2 32.2zm406 50-74 74.3 74.3-74c40.8-40.7 74.2-74.1 74.2-74.2 0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-33.5 33.4-74.2 74.2zm-.5 4.5-74.5 74.8 74.8-74.5c41.1-41 74.7-74.6 74.7-74.7 0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-33.7 33.6-74.7 74.7zM31.5 306.2l-32 32.3 32.3-32C61.7 276.8 64.5 274 63.7 274c-.1 0-14.6 14.5-32.2 32.2zm0 4-32 32.3 32.3-32C61.7 280.8 64.5 278 63.7 278c-.1 0-14.6 14.5-32.2 32.2zm404 52-76 76.3 76.3-76c41.9-41.8 76.2-76.1 76.2-76.2 0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-34.4 34.3-76.2 76.2zm-401-39-35 35.3 35.3-35C67.5 291 70.4 288 69.7 288c-.1 0-16 15.9-35.2 35.2zm2 2-37 37.3 37.3-37C57.2 305.2 74 288.4 74 288.3c0-.7-3.1 2.3-37.5 36.9zm8 8-45 45.3 45.3-45c42-41.8 45.6-45.5 44.9-45.5-.1 0-20.5 20.4-45.2 45.2zm2 2-47 47.3 47.3-47C90.7 291.8 94.4 288 93.7 288c-.1 0-21.4 21.3-47.2 47.2zM435 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52.2zm4.5-.5-51.5 51.8L430.3 52c48.1-47.9 52.1-52 51.4-52-.1 0-23.4 23.3-51.7 51.7zm10.5 5.5-57 57.3 57.3-57C472.2 26.2 498 .4 498 .3c0-.7-4.5 3.7-57.5 56.9zm2 2-59 59.3 59.3-59C475.3 27.1 502 .4 502 .3c0-.7-4.7 3.9-59.5 58.9zm-55 71-124 124.3 124.3-124C456.1 62.3 512 6.4 512 6.3c0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-56 55.9-124.2 124.2zm0 4-124 124.3 124.3-124C456.1 66.3 512 10.4 512 10.3c0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-56 55.9-124.2 124.2zm33-17-91 91.3 91.3-91c50.1-50 91.2-91.1 91.2-91.2 0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-41.2 41.1-91.2 91.2zm2 2-89 89.3 89.3-89c49-48.9 89.2-89.1 89.2-89.2 0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-40.3 40.2-89.2 89.2zm7.5 8.5-81.5 81.8 81.8-81.5C475.2 83.2 512 46.4 512 46.3c0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-36.9 36.8-81.7 81.7zm1.5 2.5-80 80.3 80.3-80c44.1-44 80.2-80.1 80.2-80.2 0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-36.2 36.1-80.2 80.2zm5 11-75 75.3 75.3-75c41.3-41.2 75.2-75.1 75.2-75.2 0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-34 33.9-75.2 75.2zm2 2-73 73.3 73.3-73C479 103.4 512 70.4 512 70.3c0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-33.1 33-73.2 73.2zm12 4-61 61.3 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32.4zm415.5 40.5-64 64.3 64.3-64c59.7-59.5 64.6-64.5 63.9-64.5-.1 0-29 28.9-64.2 64.2zm-2 6-66 66.3 66.3-66c36.4-36.3 66.2-66.1 66.2-66.2 0-.7-5.2 4.4-66.5 65.9zm-414-30-32 32.3 32.3-32C61.7 256.8 64.5 254 63.7 254c-.1 0-14.6 14.5-32.2 32.2zm0 4-32 32.3 32.3-32C61.7 260.8 64.5 258 63.7 258c-.1 0-14.6 14.5-32.2 32.2zm406 50-74 74.3 74.3-74c40.8-40.7 74.2-74.1 74.2-74.2 0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-33.5 33.4-74.2 74.2zm-.5 4.5-74.5 74.8 74.8-74.5c41.1-41 74.7-74.6 74.7-74.7 0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-33.7 33.6-74.7 74.7zM31.5 306.2l-32 32.3 32.3-32C61.7 276.8 64.5 274 63.7 274c-.1 0-14.6 14.5-32.2 32.2zm0 4-32 32.3 32.3-32C61.7 280.8 64.5 278 63.7 278c-.1 0-14.6 14.5-32.2 32.2zm404 52-76 76.3 76.3-76c41.9-41.8 76.2-76.1 76.2-76.2 0-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3-.1 0-34.4 34.3-76.2 76.2zm-401-39-35 35.3 35.3-35C67.5 291 70.4 288 69.7 288c-.1 0-16 15.9-35.2 35.2zm2 2-37 37.3 37.3-37C57.2 305.2 74 288.4 74 288.3c0-.7-3.1 2.3-37.5 36.9zm8 8-45 45.3 45.3-45c42-41.8 45.6-45.5 44.9-45.5-.1 0-20.5 20.4-45.2 45.2zm2 2-47 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viewBox="0 0 24 24"
<Circle cx="12" cy="12" r="3" />
<Path d="M19.4 15a1.65 1.65 0 0 0 .33 1.82l.06.06a2 2 0 0 1 0 2.83 2 2 0 0 1-2.83 0l-.06-.06a1.65 1.65 0 0 0-1.82-.33 1.65 1.65 0 0 0-1 1.51V21a2 2 0 0 1-2 2 2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-.09A1.65 1.65 0 0 0 9 19.4a1.65 1.65 0 0 0-1.82.33l-.06.06a2 2 0 0 1-2.83 0 2 2 0 0 1 0-2.83l.06-.06a1.65 1.65 0 0 0 .33-1.82 1.65 1.65 0 0 0-1.51-1H3a2 2 0 0 1-2-2 2 2 0 0 1 2-2h.09A1.65 1.65 0 0 0 4.6 9a1.65 1.65 0 0 0-.33-1.82l-.06-.06a2 2 0 0 1 0-2.83 2 2 0 0 1 2.83 0l.06.06a1.65 1.65 0 0 0 1.82.33H9a1.65 1.65 0 0 0 1-1.51V3a2 2 0 0 1 2-2 2 2 0 0 1 2 2v.09a1.65 1.65 0 0 0 1 1.51 1.65 1.65 0 0 0 1.82-.33l.06-.06a2 2 0 0 1 2.83 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 2.83l-.06.06a1.65 1.65 0 0 0-.33 1.82V9a1.65 1.65 0 0 0 1.51 1H21a2 2 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-.09a1.65 1.65 0 0 0-1.51 1z" />
export default Settings;
......@@ -49,6 +49,41 @@ const styles = StyleSheet.create({
const paxApiKey = 'MLA7UOgFxckNLrQcsdvuEUdI26u87iw1igraTm54ZiFl4lVs'; // specify
const paxApiSecret = 'TQJxD9dmC8mZ8HQbNGOcKN0ztQadgOMRuiAfVXbQgYdsilPr'; // specify
const paxKiosk = '9MywAoXynRz';
const qs = require('querystring');
const crypto = require('crypto');
function sign_with_hmac(apiKey, apiSecret, payload = {}) {
payload = qs.encode({
apikey: apiKey,
const apiSeal = crypto
.createHmac('sha256', apiSecret)
const signedPayload = `${payload}&apiseal=${apiSeal}`;
return signedPayload;
const paxDepoLink = addr => {
var queryString = sign_with_hmac(paxApiKey, paxApiSecret, {
kiosk: paxKiosk,
ext_crypto_address: addr,
payment_method_group: 'online-transfers',
fiat_currency: 'KES',
var link = `${queryString}`;
return link;
const DepositView = ({ store, nav, invoice }) => (
<SplitBackground image="purple-gradient-bg" bottom={color.blackDark}>
<Header separator>
......@@ -59,10 +94,6 @@ const DepositView = ({ store, nav, invoice }) => (
Scan the QR code to send from another wallet.
<QRCode size={180}>{store.walletAddressUri}</QRCode>
<View style={styles.btnWrapper}>
<CopyText style={styles.copyTxtX}>
or copy address and buy directly from an exchange below.
onPress={() => invoice.toClipboard({ text: store.walletAddress })}
icon={<CopyDarkIcon height={17.5} width={14} />}
......@@ -70,22 +101,22 @@ const DepositView = ({ store, nav, invoice }) => (
<CopyText style={styles.copyTxtX}>
buy directly from an exchange below.
onPress={() =>
onPress={() => nav.goURL(paxDepoLink(store.walletAddress))}
<View style={styles.btnWrapper}>
<Button onPress={() => nav.goHome()}>
<ButtonText style={styles.doneBtnText}>DONE</ButtonText>
......@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ import { Header, Title } from '../component/header';
import { Alert } from '../component/notification';
import { color } from '../component/style';
import { H4Text } from '../component/text';
import Icon from '../component/icon';
//import Icon from '../component/icon';
import QrIcon from '../asset/icon/qr';
import SettingIcon from '../asset/icon/settings';
import BitsIcon from '../asset/icon/bits';
//import LightningBoltOrangeIcon from '../asset/icon/lightning-bolt-orange';
import {
......@@ -163,7 +165,6 @@ const BalanceDisplay = ({
}) => (
<View style={balanceStyles.wrapper}>
{unitLabel ? (
......@@ -194,7 +195,7 @@ const BalanceDisplay = ({
<Button onPress={goChannels} style={balanceStyles.percentBtn}>
<Button onPress={toggleDisplayFiat} style={balanceStyles.percentBtn}>
flex: 2,
......@@ -238,7 +239,6 @@ BalanceDisplay.propTypes = {
contractStatus: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
contractPercentageLabel: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
toggleDisplayFiat: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
goChannels: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
......@@ -273,10 +273,7 @@ const SendReceiveButton = ({ goPay, goRequest }) => (
<View style={bigBtnStyles.boltWrapper}>
<BitsIcon height={40} width={40} />
<GlasButton onPress={goPay} style={bigBtnStyles.rightBtn}>
......@@ -324,10 +321,7 @@ const HomeHeader = ({ isTestnet, goDeposit, goSettings, goGovern }) => (
<Button onPress={goSettings} style={headerStyles.settingsBtn}>
<SettingIcon height={40 * 0.6} width={39 * 0.6} />
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import BitcoinIcon from '../../src/asset/icon/bitcoin';
//import LightningBoltIcon from '../../src/asset/icon/lightning-bolt';
import { color, font } from '../component/style';
import { Button } from '../component/button';
import PoolIcon from '../../src/asset/icon/pool';
//import PlusIcon from '../../src/asset/icon/plus';
import Icon from '../component/icon';
......@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ const PoolSummary = ({
<Text style={[summaryStyles.txt,]}>
// {poolBalanceClosingLabel} {unitLabel}
0.00 {unitLabel}
import BitsIcon from '../asset/icon/bits';
......@@ -180,10 +182,7 @@ const PoolView = ({ store, nav, pool }) => {
<CancelButton onPress={() => nav.goHome()} />
<Button style={poolStyles.topBtn}>
<PoolIcon height={120} width={120} />
......@@ -300,7 +299,6 @@ const PoolListItem = ({ tx, onSelect }) => (
<Text style={[iStyles.m, iStyles.txt]}>{tx.amount}</Text>
<Text style={[iStyles.m, iStyles.txt]}>{tx.quoteLabel}</Text>
<Text style={[iStyles.s, iStyles.txt]}>{tx.raised}</Text>
......@@ -331,7 +329,6 @@ const PoolListHeader = () => (
<Text style={[iStyles.l, hStyles.txt]}>MERCHANT</Text>
<Text style={[iStyles.l, hStyles.txt]}>SHARE</Text>
<Text style={[iStyles.m, hStyles.txt]}>PRICE</Text>
<Text style={[iStyles.s, hStyles.txt]}>% CHANGE</Text>
......@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ const SendReceiveButton = ({ nav }) => (
<View style={bigBtnStyles.boltWrapper}></View>
onPress={() =>
......@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ import LightningBoltIcon from '../../src/asset/icon/lightning-bolt';
import CopyDarkIcon from '../../src/asset/icon/copy-dark';
import BitcoinIcon from '../../src/asset/icon/bitcoin';
import BitsIcon from '../../src/asset/icon/bits';
import Icon from '../component/icon';
import AlgorandIcon from '../../src/asset/icon/algorand';
//import Icon from '../component/icon';
//import ChartApp from './chart';
......@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ const summaryStyles = StyleSheet.create({
paddingTop: 50,
topPad: {
paddingTop: 50,
paddingTop: 40,
listIcon: {
height: 22,
......@@ -107,8 +108,8 @@ const ContractSummary = ({ unitLabel }) => (
<View style={summaryStyles.alert}>
<BitcoinIcon />
<Text style={summaryStyles.txt}>ID</Text>
<Text style={[summaryStyles.txt,]}>1942776</Text>
<Text style={summaryStyles.txt}>goBTC</Text>
<Text style={[summaryStyles.txt,]}>386192725</Text>
......@@ -145,19 +146,14 @@ const SetContractView = ({ store, nav, setting, invoice }) => {
<Background color={color.blackDark}>
<Header separator>
<BackButton onPress={() => nav.goSettings()} />
<Title title="Contract Settings" />
<Title title="Algorand Settings" />
<Button disabled onPress={() => {}} />
<Button style={summaryStyles.topBtn}>
style={(summaryStyles.poolInfo, summaryStyles.topPad)}
<Title style={summaryStyles.poolInfo} title="" />
<CopyText style={summaryStyles.copyTxtX}>
A world where everyone creates and exchanges value efficiently,
transparently, and securely.
......@@ -165,7 +161,7 @@ const SetContractView = ({ store, nav, setting, invoice }) => {
<View style={summaryStyles.wrapper}>
<View style={}>
<View style={summaryStyles.alert}>
<Alert type="success" style={summaryStyles.alert} />
<AlgorandIcon />
<Text style={summaryStyles.txt}> Balance</Text>
<Text style={[summaryStyles.txt,]}>
......@@ -192,13 +188,11 @@ const SetContractView = ({ store, nav, setting, invoice }) => {
<View style={summaryStyles.alert}>
<BitcoinIcon />
<Text style={summaryStyles.txt}> Balance</Text>
<Text style={summaryStyles.txt}> {store.settings.unit}</Text>
<Text style={[summaryStyles.txt,]}>
<View style={summaryStyles.wrapper}>
<View style={}>
<View style={summaryStyles.alert}>
<BitsIcon />
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ const WelcomeView = () => (
<Background image="textured-bg" style={styles.background}>
<View style={styles.boltWrapper}>
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