Commit 08a9455e authored by bitsoko services's avatar bitsoko services 👷🏿

Update Dockerfile

parent 84b06b1f
......@@ -54,6 +54,6 @@ HEALTHCHECK --retries=10 --interval=1m --timeout=30s CMD curl --fail http://127.
#ENTRYPOINT (lnd --bitcoin.mainnet --debuglevel=info --bitcoin.node=neutrino --restlisten= --rpclisten= --wtclient.sweep-fee-rate=10 --feeurl= --maxpendingchannels=5 --gc-canceled-invoices-on-the-fly --sync-freelist --stagger-initial-reconnect --bitcoin.basefee=10000 --bitcoin.feerate=25000 --tlsextraip= --tlsextraip= $) && node /bits/remote.js
ENTRYPOINT cd /lightning-bits ; git reset --hard ; git pull && cp -r /lightning-bits/remote /bits && cp /bits/remote/torrc /etc/tor/torrc && cp /bits/remote/zt.conf /var/lib/zerotier-one/local.conf && ((cd /zt && ./zerotier-one -d &) && sleep 10 && cd /zt && ./zerotier-one -q join ${KEY} &) && cd /bits/remote && node index.js ${UID} ${CONTRACT} ${KEY}
ENTRYPOINT cd /lightning-bits ; git reset --hard ; git pull && cp -r /lightning-bits/remote /bits && cp /bits/remote/torrc /etc/tor/torrc && cp /bits/remote/zt.conf /var/lib/zerotier-one/local.conf && ((cd /zt && ./zerotier-one -d &) && sleep 10 && cd /zt && ./zerotier-one -q join ${KEY} &) && cd /bits/remote && node index.js ${UID} ${CONTRACT} ${KEY} ${WEBPORT}
#(( cd /op && go run . 10009~80@bits ) &) &&
#ENTRYPOINT cd /bits ; git reset --hard ; git pull ; cp /bits/remote/torrc /etc/tor/torrc && cd /bits/remote && node index.js ${UID} ${CONTRACT} ${KEY}
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