Commit 5a45ad42 authored by vincent's avatar vincent

added age gender test results + model description

parent 5aa3329d
......@@ -803,4 +803,28 @@ The face expression recognition model is lightweight, fast and provides reasonab
## Age and Gender Recognition Model
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The age and gender recognition model is a multitask network, which employs a feature extraction layer, an age regression layer and a gender classifier. The model has a size of roughly 420kb and the feature extractor employs a tinier but very similar architecture to Xception.
This model has been trained and tested on the following databases with an 80/20 train/test split each: UTK, FGNET, Chalearn, Wiki, IMDB*, CACD*, MegaAge, MegaAge-Asian. The `*` indicates, that these databases have been algorithmically cleaned up, since the initial databases are very noisy.
### Total Test Results
Total MAE (Mean Age Error): **4.54**
Total Gender Accuracy: **95%**
### Test results for each database
The `-` indicates, that there are no gender labels available for these databases.
Database | UTK | FGNET | Chalearn | Wiki | IMDB* | CACD* | MegaAge | MegaAge-Asian |
MAE | 5.25 | 4.23 | 6.24 | 6.54 | 3.63 | 3.20 | 6.23 | 4.21 |
Gender Accuracy | 0.93 | - | 0.94 | 0.95 | - | 0.97 | - | - |
### Test results for different age category groups
Age Range | 0 - 3 | 4 - 8 | 9 - 18 | 19 - 28 | 29 - 40 | 41 - 60 | 60 - 80 | 80+ |
MAE | 1.52 | 3.06 | 4.82 | 4.99 | 5.43 | 4.94 | 6.17 | 9.91 |
Gender Accuracy | 0.69 | 0.80 | 0.88 | 0.96 | 0.97 | 0.97 | 0.96 | 0.9 |
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