Commit c8d37519 authored by Simon de la Rouviere's avatar Simon de la Rouviere

Change to 1ceb00da for address placeholders

parent d8d902ba
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ var TokenPage = React.createClass({
buttonAction = "Transfer Amount"
buttonProcessing = "Transferring Amount"
successful = {this.successOnTransfer}
inputs = {[{placeholder: "to: eg 0xdeadbeef", key: "address", ref: "address"},
inputs = {[{placeholder: "to: eg 0x1ceb00da", key: "address", ref: "address"},
{placeholder: "amount: eg. 10", key: "amount", ref: "amount"}]}
</TXComponent> <br />
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ var TokenPage = React.createClass({
buttonAction = "Approve Amount"
buttonProcessing = "Approving Amount"
successful = {this.successOnApproval}
inputs = {[{placeholder: "to: eg 0xdeadbeef", key: "address", ref: "address"},
inputs = {[{placeholder: "to: eg 0x1ceb00da", key: "address", ref: "address"},
{placeholder: "amount: eg. 10", key: "amount", ref: "amount"}]}
</TXComponent> <br />
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ var TokenPage = React.createClass({
buttonAction = "Check Balance"
buttonProcessing = "Checking Balance"
successful = {this.successOnBalance}
inputs = {[{placeholder: "to: eg 0xdeadbeef", key: "address", ref: "address"}]}
inputs = {[{placeholder: "to: eg 0x1ceb00da", key: "address", ref: "address"}]}
</TXComponent> <br />
{this.state.balance_result} <br />
......@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ var TokenPage = React.createClass({
buttonAction = "Transfer Allowance"
buttonProcessing = "Transferring Allowance"
successful = {this.successOnTransferFrom}
inputs = {[{placeholder: "from: eg 0xdeadbeef", key: "fromAddress", ref: "fromAddress" },
{placeholder: "to: eg 0xdeadbeef", key: "toAddress", ref: "toAddress" },
inputs = {[{placeholder: "from: eg 0x1ceb00da", key: "fromAddress", ref: "fromAddress" },
{placeholder: "to: eg 0x1ceb00da", key: "toAddress", ref: "toAddress" },
{placeholder: "amount: eg 10", key: "amount", ref: "amount" }]}
</TXComponent> <br />
......@@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ var TokenPage = React.createClass({
buttonAction = "Check Allowance"
buttonProcessing = "Checking Allowance"
successful = {this.successOnAllowance}
inputs = {[{placeholder: "owner: eg 0xdeadbeef", key: "fromAddress", ref: "fromAddress"},
{placeholder: "spender: eg 0xdeadbeef", key: "toAddress", ref: "toAddress" }]}
inputs = {[{placeholder: "owner: eg 0x1ceb00da", key: "fromAddress", ref: "fromAddress"},
{placeholder: "spender: eg 0x1ceb00da", key: "toAddress", ref: "toAddress" }]}
</TXComponent> <br />
......@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ var TokenSearchPage = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
Enter Address of Token System: <br />
Enter the address of the token contract you want to interact with: <br />
<br />
<input className="form-control" type="text" value={this.state.value} placeholder="0xdeadbeef..." onChange={this.handleChange}/>
<input className="form-control" type="text" value={this.state.value} placeholder="0x1ceb00da..." onChange={this.handleChange}/>
<br />
<button className="btn btn-default" onClick={this.executeFunction}>Go to Token</button>
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