Commit cdb87bed authored by Simon de la Rouviere's avatar Simon de la Rouviere

Re-added vanity vars.

parent 87ec801e
......@@ -51,28 +51,26 @@ var TokenPage = React.createClass({
//optionals. So don't throw.
//only omit them
/*{from: addr}, function(err, decimals) {
//TODO: For now, this will break for any token that does NOT have decimals, name or symbol.
//One need to do a function signature regex to determine if it's in there or not.{from: addr}, function(err, decimals) {
//ABI will force it to expect BigNumber.
//because it throws via fallback function if not present, it gets back 0.
if(err) { console.log(err); }
if(decimals) { console.log(decimals); that.setState({token_decimals: decimals}); }
try {{from: addr}, function(err, symbol) {{from: addr}, function(err, symbol) {
//ABI expects string here,
if(err) { console.log("ERROR BRUV"); }
if(symbol) { console.log(symbol); that.setState({token_symbol: symbol}); }
} catch(err) {
console.log("symbol jarring");
});{from: addr}, function(err, name) {
if(err) { console.log(err); }
if(name) { console.log(name); that.setState({token_name: name}); }
successOnBalance: function(result, args) {
//call when balanceOf call succeeds.
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