Commit 1b95066b authored by bitsoko services's avatar bitsoko services 👷🏿


parent 192b6138
Pipeline #1103 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def add_liquidity(client, account, amount, aID1, aID2):
# Fetch the pool we will work with
pool = client.fetch_pool(ASA, BTC)
# Get a quote for supplying liquidity 10 token and 500 satoshis
quote = pool.fetch_mint_quote(ASA(1_000_000), BTC(1_0), slippage=0.01)
quote = pool.fetch_mint_quote(ASA(1_000_000_0), BTC(1_0), slippage=0.01)
excess = pool.fetch_excess_amounts()
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