Commit dddb1843 authored by omwansafelix's avatar omwansafelix

get data for broadcast_url from Bitsoko server and parse it to a json file for use.

parent abb35460
#Author: Felix Omwansa
##buildESP32_update: get data for broadcast_url from Bitsoko server
##Parsing a json response of a url to a file
##installing jq: a command-line JSON processor
echo ""
echo "[$0]: installing jq: a command-line JSON processor"
echo "[$0]: Checking for system prerequisites and installing the required toochain..."
sleep 3
echo ""
if [ $(which pacman) ]
echo "[$0]: Found archlinux based system."
sudo pacman -Sy jq
if [ $(which apt-get) ]
echo "[$0]: Found Ubuntu based system."
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jq
#Any other system goes here
echo ""
echo "[$0]: getting json response from Bitsoko server..."
sleep 3
RESP=$(curl -s '' 2>&1 )
echo ""
echo "[$0]: creating json file to store response..."
sleep 3
if [ -f test.json ]
rm test.json
#create json file to store response
echo "${RESP}" | jq . >> test.json
echo "[$0]: url data : "
jq -r '.[].name' test.json
#prints value of 'name'
sleep 3
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