Commit e01b73d7 authored by omwansafelix's avatar omwansafelix

added this script that installs noble : A Node.js BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)...

added this script that installs noble : A Node.js BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) central module used for BLE operations
parent e33d2bc3
## Author: Felix Omwansa
#This script installs noble : A Node.js BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) central module.
echo ""
echo "[$0]: This script installs noble : A Node.js BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) central module."
echo "[$0]: "
## If you already have Node installed, you might want to remove it. Some Node.js tools might execute Node.js as Node instead of Node.js, causing conflicts.
## Checking if node is on your system:
echo "[$0]: "
echo "[$0]: Checking if node is on your system... "
if which node > /dev/null
# add deb.nodesource repo commands
# install node
echo "[$0]: node is missing, installing node... "
echo "[$0]: "
## Install Node.js with Ubuntu Package Manager
sudo apt-get install nodejs
echo "[$0]: node is installed, skipping..."
echo ""
##Then install the Node package manager, npm:
sudo apt-get install npm
## Installing Prerequisites: Ubuntu/Debian/Raspbian
echo "[$0]: Installing Prerequisites for Ubuntu/Debian/Raspbian system..."
echo ""
sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev
## Create a symbolic link for node, as many Node.js tools use this name to execute.
##perform check to verify
echo ""
echo "[$0]: perform check to verify if symbolic link file for node exists..."
if [ -f /usr/bin/node ]
echo "[$0]: /usr/bin/node exists, breaking operation..."
echo ""
else ## create symbolic link for node
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
## Install noble
npm install noble
echo "[$0]: Installation complete. "
echo ""
##run notification ## Author: Felix Omwansa
##run notification dialog
echo "" echo ""
echo "[$0]: This will open a notification dialog for to detect action on the" echo "[$0]: This will open a notification dialog for to detect action on the"
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