Commit 04faefd2 authored by Matthew Vickery's avatar Matthew Vickery Committed by GitHub

added missing gasPrice value to transaction

and a note that it's required
parent 9ec871bf
......@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ eth.getTransactionCount(address).then((nonce) => {
to: '0xce31a19193d4b23f4e9d6163d7247243bAF801c3',
value: 300000,
gas: new BN('43092000'),
// when sending a raw transactions it's necessary to set the gas price, currently 0.00000002 ETH
gasPrice: new BN('20000000000'),
nonce: nonce,
}, privateKey)).then((txHash) => {
console.log('Transaction Hash', txHash);
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